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00001 //
00002 // C Implementation: robotdo
00003 //
00004 // Description: "do" funktions from robot - this determines the behaviour
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: Leonhard Klein <>, (C) 2004
00008 #include "robotdo.h"
00009 #include "robotu.h"
00010 #include <avr/eeprom.h>
00011 #include <avr/interrupt.h>
00014 void do_boredom() {
00015 #ifdef BEHAVIOUR
00016   static u08 sendval = 0;
00017   if (d_pos > 300) modus = flee;
00018   if (needpower) modus = searching;
00019   if (light_value < 5) {
00020     start_sound(go_sleep,1);
00021     modus = sleep;
00022   }
00023   if (modus != connected) {
00024     modustime = 0;
00025     l_to=positionl;
00026     r_to=positionr;
00027   }
00028   speed = 100;
00029   if (irpos_value > 50) direction = 127; else direction = 0;
00030 #else
00031   if (time == 3000) SETMODUS(ircont);
00032 #endif
00033 }
00034 void do_sleep() {
00035 #ifdef BEHAVIOUR
00036   RESETP;
00037   if ((!soundplaying) & (modustime < 5)) {
00038     modustime++;
00039     start_sound(snore,0);
00040   }
00041   if (light_value > 70) {
00042     modus = boredom;
00043     start_sound(wake_up,1);
00044   }
00045   if (needpower) modus = searching;
00046   if (modus != sleep) {
00047     modustime = 0;
00048     l_to = positionl;
00049     r_to = positionr;
00050   }
00051 #endif
00052 }
00053 void do_connected() {
00054   static u16 delayt;
00055   static u08 conmodus;
00056   static u16 write_counter;
00057   static u08 sendbuf[IRMSLENGTH];
00058   irbittime = 12;
00059   direction = 0;
00060   speed = 0;
00061   switch (modustime) {
00062   case 0:                                           /* only at new connection */
00063     modustime = 4;
00064     sendbuf[2]= 0;
00065     if (needpower)
00066       sendbuf[0] = sendbuf[1]= 'E';
00067     else
00068       sendbuf[0] = sendbuf[1]= 'F';
00069     ir_string_send(sendbuf);
00070     break;
00071   case 1:
00072     if ((vcc_value > BATFULL) | (!needpower)) {
00073       sendbuf[0]='F';sendbuf[1]=0;
00074       ir_string_send(sendbuf);
00075       modustime = 5;
00076       needpower = 0;
00077     } else {
00078       modustime = 2;
00079       delayt = 0;
00080     }
00081     break;
00082   case 2:
00083     speed = 20;
00084     if (delayt++ == 2000) {
00085       sendbuf[0]=1;
00086       ir_string_send(sendbuf);
00087       SETMODUS(searching);
00088     }
00089     if (vcco_value > 100) {
00090       modustime = 3;
00091       delayt = 0;
00092     }
00093     break;
00094   case 3:
00095     if (delayt++ > 65000) modustime = 4;
00096     if (vcco_value < 100) speed = 20; else RESETP;
00097     break;
00098   case 4:
00099     speed = -20;
00100     if (vcco_value < 100) {
00101       modustime = 1;
00102     }
00103     break;
00104   case 5:
00105     if (vcco_value > 100) speed = -20; else RESETP;
00106     if (needpower) modustime = 0;
00107     break;
00108   }
00109 #ifdef PROGRAMMING
00110   if (stringvalid) {
00111     switch (irrstring[1]) {
00112     case 'D':
00113       ir_int_send(write_counter);
00114       break;
00115     case 'W':
00116       conmodus = 2;
00117       write_counter = 102;
00118       break;
00119     case 'Q':
00120       conmodus = 0;
00121       eeprom_write_byte((u08*)(write_counter),0xFF);
00122       ir_int_send(write_counter);
00123       break;
00124     case 'I':
00125       conmodus = 1;
00126       write_counter = 1;
00127       break;
00128     case 'R':
00129       write_counter -= 2;
00130       break;
00131     case 'V':
00132       write_counter += 2;
00133       break;
00134     case 'S':
00135       SETMODUS (script);
00136       break;
00138     default:
00139       if (conmodus) {
00140         if ((irrstring[1]>='a')&&(irrstring[1]<='z')) {
00141           eeprom_write_byte((u08*)(write_counter),irrstring[1]);
00142           eeprom_write_byte((u08*)(write_counter+1),atoi((u08*)(irrstring+3)));
00143           write_counter += 2;
00144         } else if (((irrstring[1]>='0')&&(irrstring[1]<='9'))||((irrstring[1]>='A')&&(irrstring[1]<='F'))) {
00145           eeprom_write_byte((u08*)write_counter,atoi((u08*)(irrstring+1)));
00146           write_counter += 1;
00147         }
00148       }
00149     }
00150     if (conmodus != 1) ir_string_send(irrstring+1);
00151     stringvalid = 0;
00152     irrstring[0]=0;
00153   }
00154 #endif
00155 }
00156 void do_searching() {
00157   static s16 ir_value_max, ir_value_min;
00158   u16 headingdiff;
00159   static u16 headingdiffold, headingmax, mtime;
00161   switch (modustime) {
00162   case 0: /* start modus */
00163     start_sound(go_hungry, 1);
00164     RESETP;
00165     mtime = 0;
00166     direction = 0;
00167     speed = -40;
00168     modustime = 1;
00169     break;
00170   case 1: /* going back to avoid walls */
00171     if (mtime++ > 3000) {
00172       ir_value_max = 0;
00173       ir_value_min = 32000;
00174       headingdiffold = -500;
00175       headingmax = (heading + 1127) % POS360;/*POS360*95/100*/
00176       modustime = 2;
00177       mtime = 0;
00178     }
00179     break;
00180   case 2:
00181     direction = 127; speed = 20;
00182     play(irstation_value);
00183     if (irstation_value > ir_value_max) {
00184       ir_value_max = irstation_value;
00185       headingmax = (heading + POS360) % POS360;
00186       headingdiffold = 0;
00187     }
00188     if (irstation_value < ir_value_min) ir_value_min = irstation_value;
00189     headingdiff = (POS360 + heading - headingmax) % POS360;
00190     if (mtime < 4000) mtime++;
00191     if ((mtime >=4000) & (headingdiffold > headingdiff + (POS360/3))) {
00192       play(0);
00193       ir_value_max = irstation_value;
00194       ir_value_min = (ir_value_max + ir_value_min)>>1;
00195       mtime = 0;
00196       modustime = 4;
00197     }
00198     headingdiffold = headingdiff;
00199     break;
00200   case 4:  /* drive to station */
00201     speed = 80;
00202     direction = 0;
00203     if (((irstation_value < ir_value_min) & (ir_value_max - ir_value_min > 4)) | (mtime++ > 2000*3) | (d_pos > 300)) {
00204       modustime = 0;
00205     }
00206     break;
00207   }
00208   if (vcco_value > 100) {  /* detect increase in voltage */
00209     RESETP;
00210     SETMODUS (connected);
00211     start_sound(get_connected,1);
00212   }
00213 }
00214 void do_empty() {
00215   START_BEEP(3);
00216   if (vcco_value > 100) {
00217     modus = connected;
00218     vcc_value = BATLOW - 1;
00219   }
00220 }
00221 void do_flee() {
00222 #ifdef BEHAVIOUR
00223 #endif
00224 }
00225 void do_script() {
00226 #ifdef SCRIPT
00227   static u16 script_counter;
00228   static u16 wait;
00229   u16 x_unclipped;
00230   static u08 x_script;
00231   u08 command, para;
00232   if (!modustime) {
00233     script_counter = INITSKRIPT;
00234     direction = 0;
00235     speed = 0;
00236     wait = 0;
00237     modustime = 1;
00238   }
00239   if (wait>0) {
00240     wait--;
00241     return;
00242   }
00243   command = eeprom_read_byte(script_counter);
00244   para = eeprom_read_byte(script_counter + 1);
00245   script_counter += 2;
00246   switch (command) {
00247   case 'r': drive_to_pos(0, (para - 128) * 10); break;
00248   case 'l': drive_to_pos((para - 128) * 10, 0); break;
00249   case 's': speed = para - 128; break;
00250   case 'd': direction = para - 128; break;
00251   case 'w': wait = para * 146; break;
00252   case 'p': playt(para); break;
00253   case 'm': SETMODUS(para); break;
00254   case 'g': script_counter = INITSKRIPT + 0*(para / 2); break;
00255 #ifdef SCRIPT2
00256   case 'h': switch (para) {
00257     case 0: x_unclipped = light_value; break;
00258     case 1: x_unclipped = radar_value>>8; break;
00259     case 2: x_unclipped = irpos_value>>8; break;
00260     case 3: x_unclipped = d_pos; break;
00261     }
00262     x_script=(x_unclipped>255)?255:x_unclipped;
00263     break;
00264   case 'i': if (x_script >= para) script_counter +=2; break;
00265 #endif
00266   default: START_BEEP(1);
00267     speed = 0;
00268     SETMODUS(connected);
00269     break;
00270   }
00271   if (needpower) SETMODUS(searching);
00272 #endif
00273 }
00274 void do_ircont() {
00275 #ifdef IRCONT
00276   static u16 stop;
00277   u08 i, imax, imaxn, i2;
00278   u08 ircmp[IRKEYS];
00279   if (modustime == 0) {
00280     modustime++;
00281     irbittime = eeprom_read_byte(IRKEYS*20+1);
00282     for (i = 0; i < IRKEYS; i++)
00283       for (i2 = 0; i2 < IRMLENGTH; i2++)
00284         cmp_target[i][i2] = eeprom_read_byte(1+i*IRMLENGTH+i2);
00285   }
00286   if (stop++ > 2000) speed = 0;
00287   if (pulsevalid) {
00288     pulsevalid = 0;
00289     imax = 0;
00290     imaxn= 0xff;
00291     for (i=0; i < IRKEYS; i++) {
00292       ircmp[i] = ir_comp(cmp_target[i], irrbuf);
00293       if (imax < ircmp[i]) {
00294         imax = ircmp[i];
00295         imaxn = i;
00296         stop = 0;
00297       }
00298     }
00299     if (imax < 130) return;
00300     speed = 40;
00301     direction = 0;
00302     switch (imaxn) {
00303     case 0:
00304       speed = 127;
00305       break;
00306     case 1:
00307       direction = 127;
00308       break;
00309     case 2:
00310       direction = -127;
00311       break;
00312     case 3:
00313       speed = -40;
00314       break;
00315     }
00316   }
00317   if (vcco_value > 100) {  /* detect increase in voltage */
00318     speed = 0;
00319     SETMODUS (connected);
00320     start_sound(get_connected,1);
00321   }
00322 #endif
00323 }

Generated on Wed Feb 2 20:03:50 2005 for Robot by doxygen 1.3.6