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00001 //
00002 // C Implementation: robotsound
00003 //
00004 // Description: sound routines for robot
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: Leonhard Klein <>, (C) 2004
00008 //
00009 #include "robotsound.h"
00010 /* (time, tone)* */
00011 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ beeps[] = {5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0,
00012                                 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 10,0, 5,40, 40,0, 0,0}; /* ten beeps */
00013 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ start_up[] = {5,42, 3,54, 10,0, 0,0};
00014 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ go_sleep[] = {3,70, 3,60, 3,50, 3,40, 3,30, 3,20, 0,0};
00015 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ wake_up[] = {3,20, 3,30, 3,40, 3,50, 3,60, 3,70, 0,0};
00016 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ go_hungry[] = {20,36, 20,48, 20,36, 20,48, 0,0};
00017 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ go_empty[] = {10,49, 255,0, 10,49, 255,0, 10,49, 0,0};
00018 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ snore[] = {50,1, 40,0, 0,0};
00019 u08 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ get_connected[] = {1,20, 50,85, 50,86, 10,70, 0,0};
00020 u16 __ATTR_PROGMEM__ tones[] = { 0,
00021                                  33,   35,   37,   39,   41,   44,   46,   49,   52,   55,   58,   62,
00022                                  65,   69,   73,   78,   82,   87,   92,   98,   104,  110,  117,  123,
00023                                  131,  139,  147,  156,  164,  175,  185,  196,  208,  220,  233,  247,
00024                                  262,  277,  294,  311,  330,  349,  370,  392,  415,  440,  466,  494,
00025                                  523,  554,  587,  622,  659,  698,  740,  784,  831,  880,  932,  988,
00026                                  1047, 1109, 1175, 1245, 1319, 1397, 1480, 1568, 1661, 1760, 1865, 1976,
00027                                  2093, 2217, 2349, 2489, 2637, 2794, 2960, 3136, 3322, 3520, 3729, 3951}; /* 84 tones */
00029 u08 *act_sound;
00030 s16 s_ticks;                                                   /* sound ticks to next tone */
00032 void play(u16 Hz) {
00033   u08 tccr2tmp;
00034   if (Hz < 17) {
00035     tccr2tmp = 0;
00036   } else if (Hz < 61) {
00037     tccr2tmp = _BV(CS22)|_BV(CS21)|_BV(CS20);
00038     OCR2 = 4000000/1024 / Hz;
00039   } else if (Hz < 124) {
00040     tccr2tmp = _BV(CS22)|_BV(CS21);
00041     OCR2 = 4000000/256 / Hz;
00042   } else if (Hz < 247) {
00043     tccr2tmp = _BV(CS22)|_BV(CS20);
00044     OCR2 = 4000000/128 / Hz;
00045   } else if (Hz < 493) {
00046     tccr2tmp = _BV(CS22);
00047     OCR2 = 4000000/64 / Hz;
00048   } else if (Hz < 1968) {
00049     tccr2tmp = _BV(CS21)|_BV(CS20);
00050     OCR2 = 4000000/32 / Hz;
00051   } else {
00052     tccr2tmp = _BV(CS21);
00053     OCR2 = 4000000/8 / Hz;
00054   }
00055   if (TCNT2 > OCR2) TCNT2 = 0;
00056   TCCR2 = tccr2tmp | _BV(WGM21) | _BV(COM20);
00057 }
00059 void playt(u08 tone) {
00060   static u08 ltone;
00061   if (tone < 84)
00062     ltone = tone;
00063   else {
00064     switch (tone) {
00065     case 85:
00066       if (ltone++ > 84) ltone = 1;
00067       break;
00068     case 86:
00069       if (--ltone < 2) ltone = 84;
00070       break;
00071     case 87:
00072       break;
00073     }
00074   }
00075   play(pgm_read_word_near(&tones[ltone]));
00076 }
00078 int playi() {                                                  /* called from Timer0 */
00079   static u08 ttplay;
00080   if (!soundplaying) return;
00081   if (s_ticks>0) {
00082     s_ticks--;
00083   } else {
00084     s_ticks = pgm_read_byte_near(&act_sound[0]);
00085     ttplay = pgm_read_byte_near(&act_sound[1]);
00086     act_sound +=2;
00087     if (!s_ticks) {
00088       TIMSK &= ~_BV(TOIE2);
00089       soundplaying = 0;
00090     }
00091   }
00092   playt(ttplay);
00093 }
00095 int start_sound(u08 *soundtostart, u08 override) {
00096   if (soundplaying && !override) return;
00097   TIMSK |= _BV(TOIE2);                                         /* enable TCNT2 overflow */
00098   act_sound = soundtostart;
00099   s_ticks = 0;
00100   soundplaying = 1;
00101 }

Generated on Wed Feb 2 20:03:50 2005 for Robot by doxygen 1.3.6