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00001 //
00002 // C Interface: robotu
00003 //
00004 // Description: helper routines for robot.c
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: Leonhard Klein <>, (C) 2004
00008 #ifndef __ROBOT_H__
00009 #define __ROBOT_H__
00011 #include "robotsound.h"
00012 #include "basic.h"
00013 #include "ir.h"
00015 #define POS360 1187
00016 /* 1187 ticks = 56,5cm; 1 tick = 0.476mm; about 460ticks per round */
00017 #define MINSPEED 10
00018 #define BATLOW   173 
00019 #define BATEMPTY 120 
00020 #define BATFULL 365  
00021 #define IRMLENGTH 20 
00022 /* some battery values:
00023 4.5: 244
00024 5.0: 292
00025 5.5: 338
00026 */
00028 #define INITSKRIPT 102  
00029 #define DIVSPEED 85       
00032 u16 time, modustime;
00034 u08 light_value;                                        /* to store the results of the AD */
00035 u16 vcc_value, irpos_value, vcco_value;                 /* to store ... in 1/100V */
00036 s16 radar_value, irstation_value;                       /* holds time from last radar-echo */
00039 #define DIPPOS ((PINC & (_BV(PC3)|_BV(PC4)))>>3)
00040 #define SETMODUS(nmodus) do { modus=nmodus; modustime = 0; l_to=positionl; r_to=positionr; } while (0)
00041 #define RESETP do { l_to=positionl; r_to=positionr; speed = 0; } while (0)
00044 #define ISIRON ((PIND & _BV(PD4))==0)    /* 1: ir-on, 0: ir-off */
00047 s16 heading, positionl, positionr;                      /*< from position sensor; heading counterclockwise */
00048 s08 speed, direction;                                   /*< for driving, use directly */
00049 s16 l_to, r_to;                                         /*< for driving, use with drive_to_pos */
00050 u16 d_pos;                                              /*< the difference in ticks to the target position */
00051 u08 olddippos;                                          /*< the dip-switch position of the last call of the do'functions */
00052 u08 needpower;                                          /*< is set for loading when reaching station next time */
00054 #ifdef SINUS
00055 extern s08 sine(u08 in);
00056 #define COSINE(x) sine(x+90%255)
00057 #endif
00058 extern void decode_position();                                  /* decode angle sensors */
00059 extern void drive_to_pos(s16 l2,s16 r2);
00060 extern void drive();                                            /* set H-Bridge according to speed and dire*/
00062 extern void start_ad(enum admodtype adm);
00063 extern void start_radar();
00064 extern u08 atoi(u08 *str);
00066 extern void ir_int_send(u16 val);
00067 #endif

Generated on Wed Feb 2 20:03:50 2005 for Robot by doxygen 1.3.6